Why Are We Still Discussing RTO vs. WFH?

What’s the end goal here?

Ted Bauer
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Earlier this morning, I received my approximately 17,978th newsletter or article since late 2020 about WFH, RTO, and what we should be thinking and doing now. This is currently a three-year circus of an argument in the “thought leadership” and “Substack/LinkedIn” worlds, and the thing is, the discussion barely matters because each company is going to do what each company does, and it will likely be based on the gut feel of the executive or founding team, and won’t incorporate much data or nuance into the process.

In short form, if you have an executive team with some degree of self-awareness and a belief in the people that work for them, they will allow those who can work from home to do so x-amount of time, be that 25%, 50%, or 100%.

If you have an executive team who is all about fear-based management and scarcity thinking (i.e. If you don’t show up so I can see you, good luck getting advanced; I’ll mint Dave over here in a second), then you will need to come to the office as much as they want.

And for the 52%+ of the population who cannot work from home at all, this argument is tedious and moot anyway.



Ted Bauer

I write about a lot of different topics, from work to masculinity to relationships and social dynamics, I.e. modern friendship. Pleasure to be here.