What’s Funniest Is, Donald Trump And Hunter Biden Are The Same Guy

Adrift, looking for fatherly love, but just a different type of addiction.

Ted Bauer
2 min read4 days ago

Alright, so the biggest difference here would be: Trump’s mother did not die in a tragic car accident when he was young, which is a pretty big thing for anyone to go through. Otherwise, though, let’s parse this out logically:

  • Both are documented, from loved ones, as desperate for the approval of their father.
  • Both are addicts — Hunter in the conventional sense, and Trump for material trappings and loyalty of others.
  • Both are deeply-flawed guys who screw over loved ones on the semi-regular, in one case burying their ex-wife on a golf course for a tax break.
  • Both will get into bed with sketchy entities to get a leg up on something.

If you’re deeply ideological, you may disagree with some of this, but I don’t think it’s that complicated here. They both embody the “boys don’t cry” problem of work and life too:



Ted Bauer

Mostly write about work, leadership, friendship, masculinity, male infertility, and some other stuff along the way. It's a pleasure to be here.