What Would Make A Job Prestigious?

A new question I’m pondering.

Ted Bauer
5 min readSep 6, 2023


Obviously your mind probably goes to the “big guns” of this discussion:

  • Doctors
  • Lawyers
  • Executives
  • Financial services

You might go to the “not big salary always but big impact” tier, such as:

  • Teachers
  • Priests/pastors
  • Nurses
  • Aid workers
  • Cops
  • Legal aid lawyers

You’d be theoretically right on all of these. Obviously what you deem “prestigious” and what society might deem “prestigious” are different, and unfortunately in the last few years, we've taken a lot of socially-relevant jobs and thrown them head-first into the Ideology Wars:

So now it’s possible that you think nurses aren’t a “prestigous” role, because you think they helped in faking COVID. The Culture Wars stuff can come for all of us. That’s been a hard reality of the last few years.



Ted Bauer

I write about a lot of different topics, from work to masculinity to relationships and social dynamics, I.e. modern friendship. Pleasure to be here.