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Was actually just discussing this topic earlier this morning at a men’s group type thing. If your boss sucks, and it’s impacting your home life, and everything is chaos all the time — and, sadly, this is fairly common — what really are your options? I think this is the list most people would come to:
- Quit/walk away
- Stick it out and assume eventually it will get better
- Go around your boss to someone else to say how your boss sucks
Those are your three big buckets. All obviously have pros and cons. On the “quit/walk away’” bucket, well, the grass is not always greener. Some people are just bad at being bosses, and those people exist in every organization. So unless you’re following an old boss/mentor of yours, you have no real guarantee that the next guy/gal you get will be any better than your current bully in a suit.
On the “stick it out,” well, this can work — but it can be hell for a while as well. This works best when your boss does not “ship or sell” that much, because then he/she can be forced out. If your boss drives a lot of revenue, no one will touch them and they will keep being a nightmare for you in perpetuity. But if your boss is just some middle…