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“We Fabricate The Villains.”
That lengthy screenshot above is from this article, written by a bunch of Northwestern professors about partisan behavior and how to supposedly fix it. I thought the end of the screenshot — “fabricated villains” — was interesting, because we do have any number of “us versus them” moments running in the background of modern American (and global) society:
- The rich vs. everyone
- Men vs. women
- Whites vs. minorities
- Management and owners vs. workers
- The religious vs. the not
- Pro-life vs. pro-choice
- Etc, etc.
Now, these divisions have literally almost always existed in different forms, and it’s possible that the core difference right now is how fast various takes and information fly at us, and how overwhelming it can be to sort out all those takes into any kind of comprehensive, logical timeline of what’s happening.
The problem right now is that we’ve gone so far on Ideology and Identity Wars, and the people who have financially benefited from those wars and those fears don’t want to see it stop. The sheer reality is that 93% of humans generally want the same thing, but it’s the other 7% that gets tricky for people…