This paragraph is bomb:
To me, the root of a lot of this is a cultural dislike of intelligence. The nerd is despised. The jock is celebrated. Many of us have also experienced being “looked down upon” by wealthy people or kids of wealthy people. I think A LOT of this just goes back to our tribal nature. We all strive to rise in our own bit of the social hierarchy. When my son was a baby, my wife was part of a local mother’s group. There was A LOT of competition between those women. They competed on EVERYTHING - who was prettiest, slimmest, had the nicest clothes, nicest house, was the biggest martyr to the kids, etc, etc. They weren’t trying to be queen of the world, they were trying to be queen bee of the woman’s group. I think this is human nature. And there were other women’s groups in town they were excluded from for one reason or another (mainly social class). They spent significant time mocking and insulting those groups (sour grapes, basically).