The paradox of being unhappy at work

Ted Bauer
4 min readJul 14, 2022

Here’s what I mean by the “unhappy at work paradox” — and heck, this seems a good Labor Day topic.

But, employee engagement globally is dropping — for a half-decade or more. U.S. employee engagement is pretty much in the toilet.

This is the “unhappy at work” paradox: via the unemployment stats, there seemingly are jobs out there for people — but once people get into them, they’re usually not engaged in ’em. What’s happening?

Unhappy at work: The baseline “Gig Economy” situation

If you want to consume some more employment numbers, consider the rise of the Gig Economy. I personally think most people don’t really understand major economic numbers and just quote the ones that bolster their specific point of view. I’m trying not to do that here, but I’m only human, you know?

The whole idea of “The Gig Economy” is people doing something themselves, or patching together different types of work, because the old-fashioned corporate contract isn’t jiving with them anymore. When…



Ted Bauer

Mostly write about work, leadership, friendship, masculinity, male infertility, and some other stuff along the way. It's a pleasure to be here.