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“The Lena Dunham Fallacy” And Whistling Past The Graveyard
I will semi-proudly admit that I have seen every episode of Girls, and am generally glad it gave the world Adam Driver, and also think that the random guy-focused episode where Adam and Ray seek to return a dog is a perfect encapsulation of late-20something male relationships. At the same time, I’d also say Lena Dunham can be unbelievably annoying with her views, especially on the socials. I don’t really follow her on anything anymore, and a quick look at Twitter reveals she stopped new tweets in October of 2022 (and most of those were to promote some Amazon Prime movie she did), so eh. I liked the show, don’t love her. That’s the bottom line.
A couple of days ago, I was watching this video:
Marriage is a very interesting topic. I’ve actually done it twice! Everyone has a theory about it and whether it’s valuable or eroding or the only justifiable way to tell grandma you’re having kids or indicative of the end of society, etc. If you lined up 100 random…