The Jacksonville Weekend

One from the Wayback Machine.

Ted Bauer
6 min read4 days ago

I was just watering some plants outside and thought of this one, so I decided to write it up on a Friday afternoon. It’s about a decade old, but still has some relevance or resonance, I suppose.

My ex’s brother got married in JAX on the first weekend of June ’15. It might have been the second weekend. Sue me for being wrong. After this weekend transpired, I wrote an article on my old WordPress called “Friends are the family you choose,” but it upset my former mother-in-law, so I had to delete it. Alas.

What had happened on this weekend was, we went to JAX for this wedding. My ex had a friend from high school who had settled there, and then, via random timing, other friends of hers from HS were going there that weekend. So me, my ex, my ex’s sister, and her then-boyfriend (all now married to different people) were staying at this friend’s house, and my ex’s brother (who was getting married) was staying at a hotel, as was the bride in this wedding. Them’s the logistics herein.

So, we get into Jacksonville and I actually really liked the husband of the girl we were staying with. We did a little wedding circuit together in ’12 to ’15, and usually ended up in beer bars in Nashville and Columbus and Baltimore and he was a good guy. Journalist. Little corny, but whatever. I’m also…



Ted Bauer

Mostly write about work, leadership, friendship, masculinity, male infertility, and some other stuff along the way. It's a pleasure to be here.