The Importance Of Being Supported

Or, lessons from 13 days in Scandinavia.

Ted Bauer
9 min readJun 11, 2024


I just got back from 13 days in Scandinavia. That is me, with significant hat head, and my wife in some geothermal baths in Iceland. Whenever I do these types of trips, I like to write something longer-ish on the back end on Medium, but they can get very anecdotal and maybe a little bit bullshit-y, so for this one, I think I will take a simpler approach. Let’s see how this goes.

To briefly catch you up

Some of this surge in travel is the result of infertility, although I won’t belabor that anymore in this post. My wife and I did IVF twice and it failed twice. (Alas.) In and around all that happening, we went to Fiji and Alaska. I guess I would call this Scandinavian trip our third trip of this arc. Would I have taken these three trips in under 15 months if I wasn’t currently leaning into being a “DINK,” or “Dual Income No Kids?” No, I doubt it. Maybe one of them, but not three of them. This is “playing with the hand you are dealt.” If you’re not familiar with DINK stuff, by the by:



Ted Bauer

I write about a lot of different topics, from work to masculinity to relationships and social dynamics, I.e. modern friendship. Pleasure to be here.