Powerful Men, Chucking Their Wives Under A Bus

Alito is a new example of a long-held trend.

Ted Bauer
5 min readMay 23, 2024


You may have seen the recent kerfluffle by which Supreme Court justice Samuel “Sam-Dawg” Alito apparently had an upside-down flag flying at his place after the January 2021 insurrection, which is tacitly and/or overtly a sign that he’s a Trump guy. Apparently now there’s another flag that he flew at his Long Beach Island summer home — does anyone remember the era of American government whereby people were supposed to serve in these roles, and not ride them to summer homes? — that also indicated Trump-ness.

None of this is or should be breaking news: guys like Alito and Thomas are very much ingrained in the big-money, big-power GOP circles. It’s an open secret. But when we see stuff like this, we get pissy because judges, especially the highest level of judges, should theoretically be impartial. Alito is not a dumb guy; he’s probably one of the smartest guys in America by some measure. So he knows the optics are bad, and what does he do?

A time-honored guy move: throw your wife under the train.



Ted Bauer

I write about a lot of different topics, from work to masculinity to relationships and social dynamics, I.e. modern friendship. Pleasure to be here.