Once More, From The Back: No One Knows What “Woke” Means Anymore

Here’s some examples from academia.

Ted Bauer
4 min readJun 11, 2024


We have used the term “woke” very often in the modern canon over the last 3–5 years, to the point that I would argue Ron DeSantis tried to fashion an entire U.S. Presidential campaign around it. Because he had no personality aside from “I seem smarter than Trump” + because no one really cared about “woke” vs. kitchen-table issues, he got trounced. It was a nice snapshot of the broader discussion around “We love to use the word, but we are not really sure what it means.”

I’ve written about all this before, but I’m just coming back from 13 days in Scandinavia and trying to slow-drip some Medium posts over the remainder of this week, so I shall spare you those links. Instead, let’s turn here, from a Substack called “Popular Information” that’s pretty solid:

They frame it up with this interaction, from about a year ago on HBO’s Real Time:

“The amount of indoctrination that’s happening in schools and…



Ted Bauer

I write about a lot of different topics, from work to masculinity to relationships and social dynamics, I.e. modern friendship. Pleasure to be here.