My long, twisted, ratchet history with day-drinking

Ted Bauer
3 min readMar 29, 2021

Lot of different ways I could begin this particular missive/narrative, and I’ll try not go to super deep time-wise on it because it could get self-indulgent (or self-destructive!), but … well, here goes.

Back maybe 13 months ago, about a month before COVID, one weekday I had gone out, pounded about nine beers at some place, driven home (not wise), and I posted something on Facebook like “Where are the best tacos in DFW?” (I live there.) I think I was contemplating ordering tacos from an app and wanted to crowdsource it. Instead, I fell asleep watching a rerun of Law and Order: SVU.

I woke up later and saw that post, which had like 145 comments. (People are passionate about tacos.) I completely had no recollection of posting it. I felt pretty bad about that, but since then I’ve done similar stupid shit here and again.

I think the first time I day drank was probably a Sunday in 2005, when I was maybe 24, at a place in West Hartford called Elbow Room. I was up on the rooftop bar, just drinking and flipping through my pre-iPhone phone, texting my friend Annie and whatnot. Since then, I’ve probably done that same thing, with different phones and messaging different people, about 1,500 times. Maybe more.

I’ve gotten in some trouble along that path, as you’d expect, mostly around stupid…



Ted Bauer

I write about a lot of different topics, from work to masculinity to relationships and social dynamics, I.e. modern friendship. Pleasure to be here.