Managers view psychological safety as fluffy bullshit, but it’s very real
Since some white collar work is “akin to chimp rape” and no one communicates all that well, stands to reason we need a lot of conflict management strategies. Oh hey and also: work is largely about relevance and protecting your specific perch, so that’s going to lead to even more conflict.
The traditional approach to conflict management strategies is:
- Kick it to HR
- Hire some trainer
- Bring in some consultant
- Talk about breathing exercises, etc.
Some of these concepts are moderately effective, but most flop. When they flop, you have people who become six-year co-workers who essentially hate each other, are consistently forced to collaborate, and drag down the teams they get put on. No conflict management strategies here. Rather, it’s just passive aggressive BS to the core. In other words: work for many people.
Let’s hit some new research and some old research on this.
Conflict management strategies and Project Aristotle
New article from UVA on conflict resolution notes this:
In 2012, Google launched “Project Aristotle,” studying hundreds of Google teams to…