Are Sam Altman And OpenAI Taking Society To, Like, Some Kind Of Brink?

It’s not that drastic, but it’s definitely something.

Ted Bauer
5 min readMar 17, 2023

Seems like we’ve had our collective heads in the sand about automation for about 20+ years, even though it’s been coming for parts of the American Midwest for longer than that — and that’s a huge part of why Trump won in 2016, actually. It’s a perfect storm for automation to sweep in right now, because:

  • We’re still rassling with the “what is work?” repercussions of COVID.
  • The legislative branch is meaningless.
  • Big money doesn’t tend to care about workers.
  • It’s easy to sell the narrative.

More on these in a second. For now, understand that the main guy behind OpenAI is Sam Altman, formerly of Y Combinator, who helps do a good job explaining why bosses are meaningless here:

So that’s a fun first question: if bosses are indeed meaningless and inspire so much hate, how’s about we automate them out first? Ha!



Ted Bauer

Mostly write about work, leadership, friendship, masculinity, male infertility, and some other stuff along the way. It's a pleasure to be here.